Mariposa Kids'
Power of Play, a three year strategic plan
In July 2022, our Board of Directors approved The P.L.A.Y. Initiative - Mariposa Kid's initial 18-month strategic initiative focused on strengthening the foundation of the organization for our future and deepening our impact in the community. This initiative was successfully completed in December 2023.
The second phase of our strategic initiative, "Power of Play", kicks off in 2024 and will guide our strategic work from 2024-2026. We believe the framework of Power of Play, focused on four key areas, will enhance our organization’s ability to carry out our mission & vision while keeping children, families, and our staff at the heart of what we do. Read the full initiative by clicking below or check out our one page summary.
The second phase of our strategic initiative, "Power of Play", kicks off in 2024 and will guide our strategic work from 2024-2026. We believe the framework of Power of Play, focused on four key areas, will enhance our organization’s ability to carry out our mission & vision while keeping children, families, and our staff at the heart of what we do. Read the full initiative by clicking below or check out our one page summary.
The PLAY Initiative - Summary of First Strategic Phase 2022- 2023
Mariposa Kids successfully survived a global pandemic with the support of the families and staff, and was able to fully reopen for in-person learning in the 2021-22 school year. Through sound fiscal policy and budgeting, Mariposa Kids found itself with a healthy reserve in 2021 for the first time in recent history. In the spring of 2022, the Board of Directors approved a "Designated Operating Reserve Policy" to support strategic business practices while balancing sound fiscal needs like cash flow and reduced borrowing needs.
In summer 2022, the Board of Directors agreed upon The P.L.A.Y. Initiative to mobilize the excess reserve funds into action for the future wellbeing and growth of the organization, centering the Mission, Vision & Values of the organization and focusing around the concept of strengthening our foundation.
Mariposa Kids successfully survived a global pandemic with the support of the families and staff, and was able to fully reopen for in-person learning in the 2021-22 school year. Through sound fiscal policy and budgeting, Mariposa Kids found itself with a healthy reserve in 2021 for the first time in recent history. In the spring of 2022, the Board of Directors approved a "Designated Operating Reserve Policy" to support strategic business practices while balancing sound fiscal needs like cash flow and reduced borrowing needs.
In summer 2022, the Board of Directors agreed upon The P.L.A.Y. Initiative to mobilize the excess reserve funds into action for the future wellbeing and growth of the organization, centering the Mission, Vision & Values of the organization and focusing around the concept of strengthening our foundation.
- Understanding our community impact and deepening its value proposition
- Strengthening our core business practices
- Preparing our organization for growth and broader community impact
- P : PROGRAMS - Evaluate the impact of our programs and create a Theory of Change
- L : LEADERS - Launch Leaders of the Future, a program for contributing to the pipeline of educators and non-profit professionals
- A : ANALYSES - Review and update standard administrative practices of the organization
- Y: YEARS AHEAD - Invest in infrastructure and technology updates and additional staff training
In December 2022, Mariposa Kids publicly released its new Theory of Change as a part of the "P" in the P.L.A.Y. Initiative. Our Theory of Change helps guide our strategy and means of evaluating our programs and their impact. You can read our full Theory of Change Narrative here.